About Us

Stego Industries, LLC provides industry-leading barriers and unrivaled support to equip
you with the confidence to create resilient foundations for buildings where people work,
learn, and gather.

When it comes to building construction, don’t take the vapor barrier installation lightly.
After all, it is there to protect the building’s vital foundation from the threats lurking
below the slab. 

Who We Are


Beyond innovative product solutions, we take pride in our people who are relentless in their dedication to educate the
 construction community and serve the industry with local support.

Watch and listen to what puts Stego in the lead.

Want to find out more?

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Our Goal Is
Your Complete Satisfaction

EPA mandated water-based adhesive products, new energy codes, and the growing liability for mold and contaminants have forced the building industry to re-evaluate, and switch to cost-effective, solution-oriented products which will help control moisture, moisture vapor, radon gas and other contaminants. Stego Wrap helps to eliminate major moisture sources that can lead to flooring failures, poor indoor air quality, and delayed construction schedules.

Stego Industries recognizes the complex and controversial nature of these moisture/contaminant-related problems facing architects, engineers, flooring installers, contractors and building owners. We are dedicated to providing innovative solutions and the highest level of customer support possible.

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Stego... committed to building clean

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